My experience at West Seneca NY Social Security Office – Jessica
Your Name (Can Be Anonymous): Jessica
Your Experience: Horrible. Me and my husband have joint custody of our four year old daughter. Both of us are working citizens and are trying to have our daughters social security placed back in our names on behalf of our child. The social security officer did not help us at all and instigated an argument with us concerning the issue that our daughters money is still going towards her grandmother. Our daughters grandmother has had no custody or guardianship, but this woman awarded her to be the payee since April of this year. Now this worker is refusing to transfer the money to either of us even though we both share custody. Not only that, but she should never have awarded the grandmother any of it because it was a court ordered TEMPORARY living situation, with no permanent custody or guardianship awarded. Now that offical full custody is shared, the worker is for some reason withholding our daughters money from both of us, an our daughter. Our daughter has seen nothing since most likely July f this year because it is still going to her grandmother. When we had an appointment, the worker was rude and disrespectful to both of us, never asked either of us for proof of either of our household incomes, and never gave us her contact information. She told us that our daughters case was “under investigation” and that I (the mother) had unlawfully collected money on my childs behalf and would have to payback a large sum of money because my daughter resided at her grandmothers house and not mine. When I explained to her that her grandmother had no legal rights to my daughter and in the eyes of the law it was a temporary living situation, she became very upset with me and very unprofessional. I also told her the the miney was in fact spent in my daughter, and that we were not discussing that, but whst was going on currently.Me and my husband need to purchace new shoes, clothing, and supply kaylee with a spare set of glasses. This worker doesnt seem to care anything about our daughter and her needs, but she does seem to care about being right and putting people like me and my husband down. Due to her not doing her job properly, my child has missed out bacause her miney is going to her grandmother, who our dauhter has not lived with since July.
Your Social Security Office City: West Seneca
Your Social Security Office State: NY
Your Wait Time: minimal