My experience at Newburgh NY Social Security Office – carla niro
Your Name (Can Be Anonymous): carla niro
Your Experience: Terrible. I called 7 seven times requesting a home visit for two reasons. 1- my I.d was lost .
2- I needed my card asap for services and i had a had a problem with mail in the past since I depend on my carrier to take mail from my mailbox and feel I can’t really depend on it .
But since I dint have I.d sending in a application for a replacement card cannot be done.
I am homebound and disabled and a senior.
Every time I called I was argued with and then she I mentioned ada law regarding accommodation I was passed on to a voice mail for a person who had been on leave since August 15 till march 2016
She I complained I got a letter in the mail saying they called the local post office supervisor asking if their was any problem.
Of course the supervisor said there wasn’t any problems
About two months ago I had a priority mail envelope which needed to be sent but sat for days in my mailbox
It was an urgent matter I had to end up using fed ex to get it delivered. I then called local post office and explained and they said that they would take care if it.
Perhaps that’s what they were referring to.
Regardless of this fact. The Newburgh my office is ignoring the fact that I don’t have any I.d to submit with an application.
They are refusing me accommodation according to the ada law
And wasting valuable time which means I still dint have the services I need.
I am very shocked at the flippant way this has been handled.
If I can be treated with such blatant disregard for my situation I can only imagine how others who are homebound are being treated.
I need a home visit . This should be priority.
Not playing games .
If this continues I will go to the media.
I also intend
To file a complaint with ada.
This is not the way to treat a disabled person
Carla niro
Your Social Security Office City: newburgh ny
Your Social Security Office State: ny
Your Wait Time: weeks
Time: September 26, 2015 at 6:17 pm