My experience at East Orange NJ Social Security Office – Anon
Your Name (Can Be Anonymous): Anonymous
Your Experience: On the phone person was very rude, hung up after waited to speak with the person on telephone for 1 hour plus at least 4-5 times, each time had very poor response, in office people promised something that they failed to follow up, not clear directions & did not provide information even asked several times.
Over all it was horrible experience all the staff needs to be educated to provide better customer service.
Never return calls after left messages several times, staff left nasty message & threatened to terminate benefits if called back to SS office.
I wish that they can do something about this situation.
Your Social Security Office City: East Orange
Your Social Security Office State: N.J.
Your Wait Time: 2 hours, & 1 hour + on the phone for more then 4-5 times