I don’t remember my SS password word. Could I get a temporary password?

A) Yes, you can request a temporary password for your my Social Security account! Here’s how:

  1. Visit the Social Security Administration (SSA) sign-in page: [SSA login ON Social Security Administration (.gov) ssa.gov]
  2. Click on “Forgot Password?”

From there, you’ll be prompted to enter your username, Social Security number, and date of birth.

Following that, you have two options depending on your security settings:

  • If you remember your security questions: Answer the security questions you set up when you first created your account.
  • If you don’t remember the security questions: Select “I can’t remember my answers” and follow the prompts. This will likely involve verifying your identity through your confirmed email address or phone number.

Once you’ve completed the verification step, you’ll be able to choose how to receive your temporary password:

  • Email Temporary Password: This will send the temporary password to your confirmed email address.
  • Text Message Temporary Password: This will send the temporary password to your confirmed phone number (if you have one registered).

Important things to remember:

  • The temporary password will expire after a short period, so you’ll need to use it to log in and create a new, permanent password right away.
  • Be cautious with your temporary password and don’t share it with anyone.

For more information on resetting your password for your my Social Security account, you can refer to the SSA’s official instructions: How to Recover Your Username or Password from SSA

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