I am disabled, received benefits when my father died, My mother died……….
Q) I am disabled and received benefits when my father died in 1983 since I was under age and totally disable. My mother took care of me and has died now. Should I be drawing from my mothers ss since she worked until she past away?
A) You may be eligible for benefits as according to the Social Security Administration on – who can get child’s benefits?
Your child can get benefits if he or she is your biological child, adopted child or dependent stepchild. (In some cases, your child also could be eligible for benefits on his or her grandparents’ earnings.)
To get benefits, a child must have:
• A parent(s) who is disabled or retired and
entitled to Social Security benefits; or
• A parent who died after having worked long
enough in a job where he or she paid Social
Security taxes.
The child also must be:
• Unmarried;
• Younger than age 18;
• 18-19 years old and a full-time student (no
higher than grade 12); or
• 18 or older and disabled. (The disability must
have started before age 22.)
i turn 65 in september.i plan on working untill feb.2022.when should i call in to turn on my security benefits on jan. 1 2022.