I’m an adult who already struggles with Epilepsy and I take care of my mother with dementia and my father who recently had a stroke, Dr appointments, giving medication and recently taking iver the bills as well.
I have moved in and I have heard of financial assistance for family members who step up to take care of aging family members. Ive...
I have a question about PA Medicare and the premium costs that I received in the mail
A) I’m glad you asked about PA Medicare and the premium costs. Medicare is a federal health insurance program for people who are 65 or...
Lost my Medicaid card but need to change my address to get a new one
A) To report a lost or stolen Medicaid card and change your address, you can do the following: When you report a lost or stolen...
I need help I got put out my home on January 32017. Help me please I’m sick….
Q) I need help I got put out my home on January 32017. Help me please I’m sick I need somebody to call my landlord.he putting...
I have never accepted medicaid and it has caused me several problems ….
Q) I faxed Mary my decline letter that I filed for Medicaid and also sent a copy via Mail this morning. I have never accepted...
I will be turning 65 in August, I was told that I would get Medicare – Obamacare?
Q) I will be turning 65 in August, I was told that I would get Medicare my question is if I am working and they hold...
Am I eligible for Part B if I am not eligible for premium-free* Part A Medicare
Q) On February 26, 2014, I turn 65. Now, recently, I visited the S.S.A. building in Fenton, Missouri. I am a retired teacher, and I...
If i am claimed on my daurghter tax return can i still apply for foodstamps
Q) if i am claimed on my daurghter and soninlaw tax return can i still apply for foodstamps if i qulify A) You may well qualify...
Can I collect food stamps also , since I cant make it on my Social Security alone j.h.
Q) can i collect food stamps also , since i cant make it on my Social Security alone j.h. A) You may well qualify for Food...
Got out of prison, got a lot of bill is there anyway I can get some help?
Q) I just got out of prison on august the 1st after serving 6 years straight and I’m having a hard time working because I...