My mother Jean T… passed, What do I do to stop her social security payments?
Q) My mother Jean T**** social security number xxx-xx-4499 passed away September 18,2014. What do I need to do to stop her social security payments and tie out her account? You may reach me on my cell phone 218-***-3660 or email me at r.f******
Thank you,
Daughter – Becky F……..
A) According to Social Security Administration website you need to Notify Social Security Association as soon as possible. Then, you can ensure your family receives all your entitled benefits. This includes a one-time payment of $255. However, the funeral director usually will report the death. In this case, give the director the deceased’s Social Security number so the director can report to Social Security.
Report the death yourself by calling 1-800-772-1213 (TTY 1-800-325-0778) between 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., Monday through Friday. Also, remember you and the deceased’s financial institution must return any funds received for the month of death or thereafter. read more