Category: Social Security

Social Security Application Receipt Date

1509.1 When is a written statement used as the social security application filing date? The receipt date of any written statement requesting benefits is used...

Social Security Application Requirements

Your application for benefits, including Social Security, must be: Made on a prescribed form; Signed by a proper person (see §1501); Received by one of...

Where To File Application

1505.1 Where do you file your application for Social Security or Medicare benefits? File your application for Social Security benefits: At a Social Security office...

Filing Social Security Application On Time

1504.1 What are the advantages of filing a Social Security application on time? It generally works to your advantage to file your social security application...

Nearing Social Security Retirement Age

1503.1 Why should you contact Social Security Administration before you turn age 62? If you are a worker who is considering early retirement, you should...

When to File Social Security Application

1502.1 When should you file an application for Social Security benefits? You may file your social security application for benefits up to four months before...

Who Signs Social Security Application

1501.1 Who normally signs the application form for Social Security benefits? We normally expect the claimant to sign the social security application (which includes the...