Nearing Social Security Retirement Age
1503.1 Why should you contact Social Security Administration before you turn age 62?
If you are a worker who is considering early retirement, you should get in touch with a Social Security office several months before turning 62 because age 62 is the earliest month possible for benefits to begin. We will give you the information you need so you can decide whether or not to file an application for reduced retirement benefits at that time.
1503.2 When should you contact social security administration if you do not file an application for reduced retirement benefits at 62?
If you do not file an application for reduced social security retirement benefits at age 62, you should contact us again:
Up to 4 months before you plan to retire;
As soon as you know that you will neither earn more than the monthly exempt amount (see §1807.5) in wages nor render substantial services in self-employment in one or more months of the year, regardless of expected total annual earnings (see Chapter 18 for the earnings test); or
Up to 4 months before you reach Full Retirement Age (FRA), even if you are still working.
Last Revised: Sep. 1, 2009
According to SSA Website, Social Security benefits are based on earnings averaged over most of a worker’s lifetime. The benefit computation is complex and there is no simple method or table to tell you how much you may receive. However, there are several ways you can estimate your retirement benefits.
You can:
1. Use SSA Retirement Estimator for an estimate based on your actual Social Security earnings record; or
2. Use our Online Calculator to enter your own data.
Remember, these are only estimated. For more detailed information, read Your Retirement Benefit: How It Is Figured.