Need to apply for death benefits for my 2 children, document I can bring to prove paternity
Q) I need to apply for death benefits for my 2 children whose father died he is not named on my son’s birth certificate as his father is there any other document I can bring to prove paternity.
A) According to Social Security Administration:
When a relative dies . . . what you need to know about survivors benefits How do I apply for benefits?
If you are not currently getting Social Security benefits You should apply for survivors benefits promptly because, in some cases, benefits will be paid from the time you apply and not from the time the worker died. You can apply by telephone or at any Social Security
office. We will need certain information, but do not delay applying if you do not have everything. We will help you get what you need. We need either original documents or copies certified by the agency that issued them.
The information we need includes:
• Proof of death—either from a funeral home or
death certificate;
• Your Social Security number, as well as the
deceased worker’s;
• Your birth certificate;8
• Your marriage certificate, if you are a widow or widower;
• Your divorce papers, if you are applying as a divorced
widow or widower;
• Dependent children’s Social Security numbers, if
available, and birth certificates;
• Deceased worker’s W-2 forms or federal self-employment
tax return for the most recent year; and
• The name of your bank and your account number so
your benefits can be deposited directly into your account.