Seniors on a very restricted income, is it possible for us to get Medicaid?
Q) My husband and I are legal US residents, have been here since 1994, but have not got enough points for Medicare etc. We are seniors on a very restricted income, is it possible for us to get Medicaid?
A) You may qualify for Medicaid based on your income, household size, disability, family status, and other factors. But if your state has expanded Medicaid coverage, you can qualify based on your income alone.
According to USA.Gov:
Medicaid is a federal and state health insurance program for people with a low income. The Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) offers health coverage to children. To be eligible, the child’s family must have an income that is:
Too high to qualify for Medicaid
Too low to afford private coverage
Medicaid and CHIP program names are different in each state.
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